World-Class Databases of Electric and Natural Gas Distribution Utility Rates

At RateAcuity, we exist for one reason—to give you superior access to world-class databases of electric and natural gas distribution utility rates. Our products help you easily use electric and natural gas utility rates through a few simple options.

Electric & Natural Gas Rate Schedule Database Access Options

When you need a professional-grade tariff rate database for utilities, look no further than RateAcuity. RateAcuity’s product options include an application programming interface (API) and a user-friendly Web Portal. Both offer electric and natural gas utility rate datasets with on-demand access. That means you get highly accurate, easy-to-use information precisely when you need it.

Each option offers specific benefits for different types of workflows, but they both pull from the same powerful database that provides cost-effective, reliable and time-saving information. With our team of data experts, we maintain near-perfect accuracy and are continually monitoring for changes to our electric and natural gas tariff rate databases.

Both the API and Web Portal options make it fast and easy to get relevant information, eliminating the need for your valuable resources to spend time on manual data entry or time-consuming web searches and research. With our API and Web Portal, you access RateAcuity in the way that aligns best with your workflow.

RateAcuity API

Access RateAcuity’s professional-grade utility rate data via API for seamless integration with your applications and reports.

Our API  gives you access to our complete nationwide electric and natural gas schedule databases in a way that works for you. The data is pulled into your platform on-demand, so you always have the most current and accurate rates.

This integration eliminates the need for your staff to search for and analyze rates. It also eliminates the need to manually enter those rate tables into your software.

The RateAcuity API returns data in JSON. There are also options available that provide current rates as well as historical rate information. The API gives access to the complete database and features of RateAcuity.

RateAcuity Web Portal

Our user-friendly interface enables self-service searches and report generation for utility rate data.

The RateAcuity Web Portal empowers your research teams to access individual rate schedules on demand. You view rate schedules as a web page or as a downloadable Excel report.

Options include viewing just current rate information, or using Excel reports to include historical information.

The Web Portal is an excellent choice if you don’t have an application in place, or if your needs vary widely. The RateAcuity Web Portal generates comprehensive, intuitive reports and shows all the data you need when you need it. No more waiting for results to come back from time-consuming manual searches.

Ready for the better way to access electricity and natural gas rate data?