The RateAcuity API
Integrate energy utility rates with your systems
Imagine a data set that integrates your systems and energy utility rates. Now imagine a data set that’s highly accurate, current, easy to use, and provides a standardized format across each electric and natural gas utility. That’s the RateAcuity API.
The RateAcuity API is a powerful application programming interface that lets you integrate utility rates with your tools and products. You maximize productivity, add functionality, save time and do so much more with the RateAcuity API.
Why Use the RateAcuity API
When you incorporate the RateAcuity API into your internal workflow or client offerings, you enjoy multiple benefits.

RateAcuity automatically standardizes data from multiple, disparate sources to reduce misunderstandings, prevent mistakes, and reduce your risk.

Your team members no longer waste valuable time and effort locating each utility tariff and extracting data from it. The RateAcuity team has already done this work for you, and makes it available to your users through the API.

With the RateAcuity API, you easily integrate electric and natural gas rates into your customer-facing applications. This adds valuable functionality and transparency to your customer experience.

RateAcuity maintains a near-perfect level of data accuracy (learn more). You can trust the data that comes from our meticulously maintained database. We make our accuracy statistics transparent so that you always know how we’re doing.
RateAcuity Electric API
Easily implement highly accurate, up-to-date electric utility rate information with your tools and products.
- Receive data in JSON format for easy integration with multiple database platforms
- Get both current rates and historical rates
- Access rates by state/province and utility, zip code, customer class, and account size
- Identify when rate sets or individual components change
- Determine distribution utility supply components and rates for areas with competition
- Enjoy unparalleled customer support
- Enjoy full-service assistance during integration. You and your development team are the experts on your products. RateAcuity is the expert on electric utility rate data. Together, we make your implementation of the RateAcuity API as simple and smooth as possible.
RateAcuity Natural Gas API
Easily implement highly accurate, up-to-date natural gas utility rate information with your tools and products.
- Receive data in JSON format for easy integration with multiple database platforms
- Get both current rates and historical rates
- Access rates by state/province and utility, customer class, and account size
- Identify when rate sets or individual components change
- Enjoy unparalleled customer support
- Enjoy full-service assistance during integration. You and your development team are the experts on your products. RateAcuity is the expert on gas utility rate data. Together, we make your implementation of the RateAcuity API as simple and smooth as possible.
RateAcuity API Pricing
Pricing for both the RateAcuity Electric API and the RateAcuity Natural Gas API is simple. It is based on how many rate schedules you access, and how often you access the rate components. The pricing is the same for both electric and natural gas usage. You can combine both into a single pricing package for access to both APIs.

I like how easy it is to navigate, to get to the rates that I want, the quality and the information, and their options, how easy it is to export data from the website.
Masuma Mansur
Lead Analyst
Vervantis Inc.

I've never seen a better product for utility rates than RateAcuity, and I've looked at lots of them. I put in about 80 hours a month on behalf of my client, and I'm quite sure that I'm saving at least a quarter of that time.
Bill Kinneary
Catalyst Power