Generate Forecasts with Historical Data

When it comes to generating forecasts for natural gas and electricity rates, you need to look backwards as well as forwards. Analyzing current rates is vital. But so is analyzing historical natural agas and electricity and rates and consumption data. The easiest ways to do this is with a utility rate database that contains both current and historical rates. RateAcuity, for example, is the North American utility rate database that provides accurate, timely, and convenient access to electric and natural gas tariffs in the United States and Canada. With RateAcuity, you search for historical utility rate data with a few clicks. Whether you need to retrieve historical rates for audits, conducting analyses, forecasting utility rates, or any other requirement, RateAcuity efficiently manages and maintains these records for you. RateAcuity’s historical data helps you generate forecasts, prepare budgets, predict ROI, predict investment opportunities, and more.