Generate Reports on Utility Rates

Generating reports on utility rates is a time-consuming, cumbersome process when you do it yourself, manually. You must visit multiple websites, hunt through multiple schedules and tables to find what you want, and then consolidate that data into a report.
During your searches you quickly discover that public utilities commissions and utilities often use their own distinct terminology to refer to identical concepts, or they apply different labels to fields representing the same items. This makes your job a lot harder because you must first harmonize the data before presenting it in your reports.
RateAcuity, on the other hand, standardizes all of this data for you. This uniformity facilitates the comparison of tariffs, eliminating the need to decipher the varying naming conventions employed by state regulators and utilities in identifying their tariffs and describing their data.
RateAcuity reports are easy to read, simple to understand, and easy to navigate. You find only the data you need, displayed intuitively and using consistent naming conventions across every schedule for every utility.
Best of all, you generate your utility rate reports with just a few clicks. Watch the video to see how.