Six Advantages of Natural Gas Rate Databases

When it comes to locating natural gas rates, you have two options—manual and automatic. The manual method involves visiting websites of state regulators and utilities, and searching for the data you need. The automatic method, if we may call it that, is using a natural gas rate database, such as RateAcuity, where all of the data has been collected for you already, and is available with just a few clicks.

Here are six advantages of using a natural gas rate database instead of doing things manually.

  1. Advantage 1: Enhanced Precision
    The process of extracting utility rates from state public regulators' and utilities' websites is inherently prone to errors. This involves extensive copying and pasting, manual data entry, re-keying, and other manual efforts, leading to potential mistakes at every step. In contrast, utility rate databases employ digital tools and industry best practices to ensure error-free data, with some achieving accuracy rates as high as 99.99%. If data accuracy is a top priority, opting for a utility rate database is the optimal choice.
  2. Advantage 2: Improved Workforce Efficiency
    Your business's core competency likely does not involve scouring and copying utility rates from public sources into back-office systems. Such tasks divert valuable time and energy from your workers who could be better utilized elsewhere. Subscribing to a utility rate database eliminates the tedious work of finding and validating utility rate data, allowing your staff to focus on projects and initiatives that contribute real value.
  3. Advantage 3: Time Economy
    Manually searching for utility rates is time-consuming due to the inconsistent nature of regulators' and utilities' websites. These sites often present rates in non-searchable formats like Word documents and PDFs. Utility rate databases, designed for efficient search functionality, save organizations hours each week by providing indexed and easily searchable data, obtainable with just a few clicks.
  4. Advantage 4: User-Friendly Interface
    Utility rate databases, operated by for-profit entities, prioritize user experience with substantial investments. These databases boast a seamless, quick, and easy-to-navigate interface, making data retrieval straightforward. Unlike state public regulators' websites, utility rate databases are designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive navigation, readable pages, and easily locatable utility rates.
  5. Advantage 5: Standardization
    State public regulators' and utilities' websites present data inconsistently, making it challenging to find comparable information. Utility rate databases, on the other hand, adopt standardized layouts, gathering data from regulatory websites and presenting it consistently across reports. This standardized approach saves time and minimizes misunderstandings, ensuring data is always found in the same location for each report.
  6. Advantage 5: Standardization
    Accessing the latest utility rates promptly is crucial for making informed business decisions. Utility rate databases eliminate the need for manual copying and pasting, presenting all data in digital-table format. This allows for faster data retrieval through Excel downloads or integration with back-end office systems using a simple API, enabling quicker and more accurate decision-making.

In Conclusion

Choosing a natural gas rate database significantly impacts your business operations. With the right data at your fingertips, you are equipped to make critical decisions that drive success and growth for your business. By the way, RateAcuity provides a comprehensive and accurate natural gas rate database with customizable features, top-notch customer service, and a team of industry experts. With RateAcuity, trust that you are making informed business decisions based on reliable and up-to-date information. Contact us today to see how RateAcuity benefits your organization.

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