RateAcuity is excited to announce new report features requested by customers are now available. Enhancements include: Standardized Excel Report RateAcuity now includes a new report that will use a standard format for all schedules. The report will contain all possible output columns in the same layout each time, with relevant cells populated. Individual Effective Dates... Continue reading→
Accessing National Electricity Rates to Optimize Your Energy Management Programs – Webinar Q&A Session Transcript (Part 3)
The presenter, Stephanie Fetchen has compiled and expanded on her answers to the questions that came in during the Q&A session. All those answers can be found below, and if you have any further questions or would like to get in contact with Stephanie regarding Rate Acuity, electricity rates, or any other programs please contact... Continue reading→
Accessing National Electricity Rates to Optimize Your Energy Management Programs – Webinar Q&A Session Transcript (Part 2)
The presenter, Stephanie Fetchen has compiled and expanded on her answers to the questions that came in during the Q&A session. All those answers can be found below, and if you have any further questions or would like to get in contact with Stephanie regarding Rate Acuity, electricity rates, or any other programs please contact... Continue reading→
Accessing National Electricity Rates to Optimize Your Energy Management Programs – Webinar Q&A Session Transcript (Part 1)
The presenter, Stephanie Fetchen has compiled and expanded on her answers to the questions that came in during the Q&A session. All those answers can be found below, and if you have any further questions or would like to get in contact with Stephanie regarding Rate Acuity, electricity rates, or any other programs please contact... Continue reading→
Canadian Rates Now Available
RateAcuity is excited to announce that rates for Canadian electric utilities are now available in our electric rate database. The addition of electricity rate schedules for Canada was developed based on requests we have had from many customers and potential users. Please see below for a list of Canadian utilities now included in RateAcuity. Alectra... Continue reading→
Growing Renewable Generation Causing Changes in Generation Charges
Electricity prices for customers with rates that vary by time are typically highest when demand is highest. Increased demand requires additional energy generation, which is traditionally provided by less efficient peaker plants that cost more to generate electricity than base load plants. In most areas, these demand peaks occur during the summer months in the... Continue reading→
Is Electric Retail Choice Working?
Yes, or maybe? I thought it would be simple to answer this question, but it turns out it really is not. To determine if electric retail choice is working, we first need to determine what it was intended to do. The most frequent answer is to reduce electricity bills. So, is electric retail choice reducing... Continue reading→
Analyzing Current and Historical Electricity Rate and Consumption Data for Optimum Energy Management – Webinar Q&A Session Transcript
The presenter, Stephanie Fetchen has compiled and expanded on her answers to the questions that came in during the Q&A session. All those answers can be found below, and if you have any further questions or would like to get in contact with Stephanie regarding Rate Acuity, electricity rates, or any other programs please contact... Continue reading→
Accessing national electricity rates is key to optimizing energy management programs – Power Engineering
Stephanie Fetchen's article in Power Engineering discusses how electricity costs are a major factor in today’s business landscape and how accessing national electricity rates is key to optimizing energy management programs. Continue reading→
What is Performance-Based Rate Making?
I recently began hearing the phrase “performance-based rate making”. I did some digging into what the phrase means and how it is being used in the electric industry. Performance-based rate making generally means tying electric utility revenues and profits to specific performance goals rather than the traditional process that creates rates based on capital expenditures. The new... Continue reading→