What Is Smart Rate Design?

How Does Rate Design Effect You? Rate design is a major influence on your business’s consumption and investment decisions regarding demand response, energy efficiency and energy generation. In an ever-fluctuating market, your energy prices must reflect the true economic costs of the energy you receive. With the right rate design, you can even enhance your... Continue reading

What Can You Expect For the Natural Gas Cost Per Therm?

Natural Gas Cost Per Therm Energy suppliers must ensure they efficiently use natural gas resources to meet end users’ needs. Natural gas costs per therm vary based on factors such as location, so you’ll need to know how these entities measure usage and bill their customers to determine resource costs. If you need to provide critical... Continue reading

Why is Power Quality Important?

Power Quality in Electrical Systems  Power quality designates electric power’s quality status. The term refers to the electric power that drives an electrical device and the device’s corresponding ability to function with that power. Power flow should remain within specified frequency and voltage tolerances and adopt a pure sinusoidal waveform. Because no real-life power source... Continue reading

What is Utility Bill Management?

Utility Bill Management From variable rates to tiered systems, utility bills can be complicated and vary wildly from month to month. That’s why it’s essential to always have your latest utility bill information up to date and presented in an easy-to-understand interface that helps you examine trends between months, curb your energy usage and reduce... Continue reading

Inaccurate Utility Bills Hurt Your Business

Why Are Your Utility Bills Inaccurate? When measuring the amount of energy your facilities use, it can be challenging to ensure the quantity you’re being billed for is correct. Between the massive amount of energy most businesses require to sustain themselves and the energy industry’s ever-changing rates, it almost feels as if utility rates are... Continue reading

Using Smart Energy Meters Over Analog Meters

Smart Energy Meters Smart meters enable customers to manage energy usage more proactively and a utility to provide a detailed analysis of customer’s energy use at different times of the day. More than 115 million smart meters are forecasted to be installed in the United States by December 2021, with 94.8 million already installed as of 2019.   What Is... Continue reading

Why Is My Client’s Electric Bill Going Up?

Increasing Electricity Bill? There are plenty of reasons your client’s electricity bill may be increasing. While they can take action to lower their rate consistently, the first step is figuring out why the bill has jumped.  To help your clients start saving money, we’ve identified several causes of high household power usage and what consumers can do to lower their rate of use.   What Causes a... Continue reading

The Relationship Between Weather and Utility Rates 

Weather and Utility Rates The relationship between weather and utilities is multifaceted. Changes in precipitation, temperature, sea level and the severity and frequency of extreme events will affect how much energy is consumed, delivered and produced in the United States. Generally, the greater the difference between the thermostat setting inside and the temperature outside, the more energy your heating... Continue reading

What Is Energy as a Service?

The widespread view of energy as a fixed cost has endured in society for many years. This misconception makes it challenging for consumers to explore the numerous sources and types of energy available — even when they know energy savings are possible. When companies search for new energy-saving technology, the most significant impact can come... Continue reading

Seasonal Operation of Coal Plants

Coal and generated electricity have had a long-standing relationship, reaching back all the way to the first plant in New York in the 1880’s. It has been the single largest source of energy generation for the vast majority of that time, but for the last two decades has been ceding ground to alternative generating methods... Continue reading