Case: 20-E-0428
Initial Filing Date: 8/27/2020
Summary: 4.25% increase requested
Effective Date: 12/1/2021
Status: Settled
Type: Electric
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation has filed a petition with the New York State Department of Public Service requesting an increase in base delivery revenues of $32.8 million, or 8.4%. The Company has further proposed using $20 million of moderation in the form of bill credits, which would reduce the impact on customers from $32.8 million to $12.8 million. Effective November 20th, 2021, this increase will affect all customers taking service in the state of New York.
To see how this increase will affect each class of customer’s monthly bills, see below:
The full document of forecasted rates can be seen here, and the entire docket for this rate case can be viewed at the Commission’s site here.
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